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“That he won’t do;” said Cassy。
“No; he won’t;” said Cassy。
“I’d like to know why; Mistress;” said Legree; in the extreme of scorn。
“Because he’s done right; and he knows it; and won’t say he’s done wrong。”
“Who a cuss cares what he knows? The nigger shall say what I please; or—”
“Or; you’ll lose your bet on the cotton crop; by keeping him out of the field; just at this very press。”
“But he will give up;—course; he will; don’t I know what niggers is? He’ll beg like a dog; this morning。”
He won’t; Simon; you don’t know this kind。 You may kill him by inches;—you won’t get the first word of confession out of him。”
“We’ll see;—where is he?” said Legree; going out。
“In the waste…room of the gin…house;” said Cassy。
Legree; though he talked so stoutly to Cassy; still sallied forth from the house with a degree of misgiving which was not common with him。 His dreams of the past night; mingled with Cassy’s prudential suggestions; considerably affected his mind。 He resolved that nobody should be witness of his encounter with Tom; and determined; if he could not subdue him by bullying; to defer his vengeance; to be wreaked in a more convenient season。
The solemn light of dawn—the angelic glory of the morning…star—had looked in through the rude window of the shed where Tom was lying; and; as if descending on that star…beam; came the solemn words; “I am the root and offspring of David; and the bright and morning star。” The mysterious warnings and intimations of Cassy; so far from discouraging his soul; in the end had roused it as with a heavenly call。 He did not know but that the day of his death was dawning in the sky; and his heart throbbed with solemn throes of joy and desire; as he thought that the wondrous all; of which he had often pondered;—the great white throne; with its ever radiant rainbow; the white…robed multitude; with voices as many waters; the crowns; the palms; the harps;—might all break upon his vision before that sun should set again。 And; therefore; without shuddering or trembling; he heard the voice of his persecutor; as he drew near。
“Well; my boy;” said Legree; with a contemptuous kick; “how do you find yourself? Didn’t I tell yer I could larn yer a thing or two? How do yer like it—eh?
How did yer whaling agree with yer; Tom? An’t quite so crank as ye was last night。 Ye couldn’t treat a poor sinner; now; to a bit of sermon; could ye;—eh?”
Tom answered nothing。
“Get up; you beast!” said Legree; kicking him again。
This was a difficult matter for one so bruised and faint; and; as Tom made efforts to do so; Legree laughed brutally。
“What makes ye so spry; this morning; Tom? Cotched cold; may be; last night。”
Tom by this time had gained his feet; and was confronting his master with a steady; unmoved front。
“The devil; you can!” said Legree; looking him over。 “I believe you haven’t got enough yet。 Now; Tom; get right down on yer knees and beg my pardon; for yer shines last night。”
Tom did not move。
“Down; you dog!” said Legree; striking him with his riding…whip。
“Mas’r Legree;” said Tom; “I can’t do it。 I did only what I thought was right。 I shall do just so again; if ever the time comes。 I never will do a cruel thing; come what may。”
“Yes; but ye don’t know what may come; Master Tom。 Ye think what you’ve got is something。 I tell you ’tan’t anything;—nothing ’t all。 How would ye like to be tied to a tree; and have a slow fire lit up around ye;—wouldn’t that be pleasant;—eh; Tom?”
“Mas’r;” said Tom; “I know ye can do dreadful things; but;”—he stretched himself upward and clasped his hands;—“but; after ye’ve killed the body; there an’t no more ye can do。 And O; there’s all ETERNITY to come; after that!”
ETERNITY;—the word thrilled through the black man’s soul with light and power; as he spoke; it thrilled through the sinner’s soul; too; like the bite of a scorpion。 Legree gnashed on him with his teeth; but rage kept him silent; and Tom; like a man disenthralled; spoke; in a clear and cheerful voice;
“Mas’r Legree; as ye bought me; I’ll be a true and faithful servant to ye。 I’ll give ye all the work of my hands; all my time; all my strength; but my soul I won’t give up to mortal man。 I will hold on to the Lord; and put his commands before all;—die or live; you may be sure on ’t。 Mas’r Legree; I ain’t a grain afeard to die。 I’d as soon die as not。 Ye may whip me; starve me; burn me;—it’ll only send me sooner where I want to go。”
“I’ll make ye give out; though; ’fore I’ve done!” said Legree; in a rage。
“I shall have help;” said Tom; “you’ll never do it。”
“Who the devil’s going to help you?” said Legree; scornfully。
“The Lord Almighty;” said Tom。
“D—n you!” said Legree; as with one blow of his fist he felled Tom to the earth。
A cold soft hand fell on Legree’s at this moment。 He turned;—it was Cassy’s; but the cold soft touch recalled his dream of the night before; and; flashing through the chambers of his brain; came all the fearful images of the night…watches; with a portion of the horror that acomompanied them。
“Will you be a fool?” said Cassy; in French。 “Let him go! Let me alone to get him fit to be in the field again。 Isn’t it just as I told you?”
They say the alligator; the rhinoceros; though enclosed in bullet…proof mail; have each a spot where they are vulnerable; and fierce; reckless; unbelieving reprobates; have commonly this point in superstitious dread。
Legree turned away; determined to let the point go for the time。
“Well; have it your own way;” he said; doggedly; to Cassy。
“Hark; ye!” he said to Tom; “I won’t deal with ye now; because the business is pressing; and I want all my hands; but I never forget。 I’ll score it against ye; and sometime I’ll have my pay out o’ yer old black hide;—mind ye!”
Legree turned; and went out。
“There you go;” said Cassy; looking darkly after him; “your reckoning’s to come; yet!—My poor fellow; how are you?”
“The Lord God hath sent his angel; and shut the lion’s mouth; for this time;” said Tom。
“For this time; to be sure;” said Cassy; “but now you’ve got his ill will upon you; to follow you day in; day out; hanging like a dog on your throat;—sucking your blood; bleeding away your life; drop by drop。 I know the man。”
Chapter 37
“No matter with what solemnities he may have been devoted upon the altar of slavery; the moment he touches the sacred soil of Britain; the altar and the God sink together in the dust; and he stands redeemed; regenerated; and disenthralled; by the irresistible genius of universal emancipation。” Curran。1
A while we must leave Tom in the hands of his persecutors; while we turn to pursue the fortunes of George and his wife; whom we left in friendly hands; in a farmhouse on the road…side。
Tom Loker we left groaning and touzling in a most immaculately clean Quaker bed; under the motherly supervision of Aunt Dorcas; who found him to the full as tractable a patient as a sick bison。
Imagine a tall; dignified; spiritual woman; whose clear muslin cap shades waves of silvery hair; parted on a broad; clear forehead; which overarches thoughtful gray eyes。 A snowy handkerchief of lisse crape is folded neatly across her bosom; her glossy brown silk dress rustles peacefully; as she glides up and down the chamber。
“The devil!” says Tom Loker; giving a great throw to the bedclothes。
“I must request thee; Thomas; not to use such language;” says Aunt Dorcas; as she quietly rearranged the bed。
“Well; I won’t; granny; if I can help it;” says Tom; “but it is enough to make a fellow swear;—so cursedly hot!”
Dorcas removed a comforter from the bed; straightened the clothes again; and tucked them in till Tom looked something like a chrysalis; remarking; as she did so;
“I wish; friend; thee would leave off cursing and swearing; and think upon thy ways。”
“What the devil;” said Tom; “should I think of them for?  thing ever I want to think of—hang it all!” And Tom flounced over; untucking and disarranging everything; in a manner frightful to behold。
“That fellow and gal are here; I ’spose;” said he; sullenly; after a pause。
“They are so;” said Dorcas。
“They’d better be off up to the lake;” said Tom; “the quicker the better。”
“Probably they will do so;” said Aunt Dorcas; knitting peacefully。
“And hark ye;” said Tom; “we’ve got correspondents in Sandusky; that watch the boats for us。 I don’t care if I tell; now。 I hope they will get away; just to spite Marks;—the cursed puppy!—d—n him!”
“Thomas!” said Dorcas。
“I tell you; granny; if you bottle a fellow up too tight; I shall split;” said Tom。 “But about the gal;—tell ’em to dress her up some way; so’s to alter her。 Her description’s out in Sandusky。”
“We will attend to that matter;” said Dorcas; with characteristic composure。
As we at this place take leave of Tom Loker; we may as well say; that; having lain three weeks at the Quaker dwelling; sick with a rheumatic fever; which set in; in company with his other afflictions; Tom arose from his bed a somewhat sadder and wiser man; and; in place of slave…catching; betook himself to life in one of the new settlements; where his talents developed themselves more happily in trapping bears; wolves; and other inhabitants of the forest; in which he made himself quite a name in the land。 Tom always spoke reverently of the Quakers。 “Nice people;” he would say; “wanted to convert me; but couldn’t come it; exactly。 But; tell ye what; stranger; they do fix up a sick fellow first rate;—no mistake。 Make jist the tallest kind o’ broth and knicknacks。”
As Tom had informed them that their party would be looked for in Sandusky; it was thought prudent to divide them。 Jim; with his old mother; was forwarded separately; and a night or two after; George and Eliza; with their child; were driven privately into Sandusky; and lodged beneath a hospital roof; preparatory to taking their last passage on the lake。
Their night was now far spent; and the morning star of liberty rose fair before them!—electric word! What is it? Is there anything more in it than a name—a rhetorical flourish? Why; men and women of America; does your heart’s blood thrill at that word; for which your fathers bled; and your braver mothers were willing that their noblest and best should die?
Is there anything in it glorious and dear for a nation; that is not also glorious and dear for a man? What is freedom to a nation; but freedom to the individuals in it? What is freedom to that young man; who sits there; with his arms folded over his broad chest; the tint of African blood in his cheek; its dark fires in his eyes;—what is freedom to George Harris? To your fathers; freedom was the right of a nation to be a nation。 To him; it is the right of a man to be a man; and not a brute; the right to call the wife of his bosom is wife; and to protect her from lawless violence; the right to protect and educate his child; the right to have a home of his own; a religion of his own; a character of his own; unsubject to the will of another。 All these thoughts were rolling and seething in George’s breast; as he was pensively leaning his head on his hand; watching his wife; as she was adapting to her slender and pretty form the articles of man’s attire; in which it was deemed safest she should make her escape。
“Now for it;” said she; as she stood before the glass; and shook down her silky abundance of black curly hair。 “I say; George; it’s almost a pity; isn’t it;” she said; as she held up some of it; playfully;—“pity it’s all got to come off?”
George smiled sadly; and made no answer。
Eliza turned to the glass; and the scissors glittered as one long lock after another was detached from her head。
“There; now; that’ll do;” she said; taking up a hair…brush; “now for a few fancy touches。”
“There; an’t I a pretty young fellow?” she said; turning around to her husband; laughing and blushing at the same time。
“You always will be pretty; do what you will;” said George。
“What does make you so sober?” said Eliza; kneeling on one knee; and laying her hand on his。 “We are only within twenty…four hours of Canada; they say。 Only a day and a night on the lake; and then—oh; then!—”
“O; Eliza!” said George; drawing her towards him; “that is it! Now my fate is all narrowing down to a point。 To come so near; to be almost in sight; and then lose all。 I should never live under it; Eliza。”
“Don’t fear;” said his wife; hopefully。 “The good Lord would not have brought us so far; if he didn’t mean to carry us through。 I seem to feel him with us; George。”
“You are a blessed woman; Eliza!” said George; clasping her with a convulsive grasp。 “But;—oh; tell me! can this great mercy be for us? Will these years and years of misery come to an end?—shall we be free?
“I am sure of it; George;” said Eliza; looking upward; while tears of hope and enthusiasm shone on her long; dark lashes。 “I feel it in me; that God is going to bring us out of bondage; this very day。”
“I will believe you; Eliza;” said George; rising suddenly up; “I will believe;—come let’s be off。 Well; indeed;” said he; holding her off at arm’s length; and looking admiringly at her; “you are a pre
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