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“Mortal man cannot blame thee; George。 Flesh and blood could not do otherwise;” said Simeon。 “Woe unto the world because of offences; but woe unto them through whom the offence cometh。”
“Would not even you; sir; do the same; in my place?”
“I pray that I be not tried;” said Simeon; “the flesh is weak。”
“I think my flesh would be pretty tolerable strong; in such a case;” said Phineas; stretching out a pair of arms like the sails of a windmill。 “I an’t sure; friend George; that I shouldn’t hold a fellow for thee; if thee had any acomounts to settle with him。”
“If man should ever resist evil;” said Simeon; “then George should feel free to do it now: but the leaders of our people taught a more excellent way; for the wrath of man worketh not the righteousness of God; but it goes sorely against the corrupt will of man; and none can receive it save they to whom it is given。 Let us pray the Lord that we be not tempted。”
“And so I do;” said Phineas; “but if we are tempted too much—why; let them look out; that’s all。”
“It’s quite plain thee wasn’t born a Friend;” said Simeon; smiling。 “The old nature hath its way in thee pretty strong as yet。”
To tell the truth; Phineas had been a hearty; two…fisted backwoodsman; a vigorous hunter; and a dead shot at a buck; but; having wooed a pretty Quakeress; had been moved by the power of her charms to join the society in his neighborhood; and though he was an honest; sober; and efficient member; and nothing particular could be alleged against him; yet the more spiritual among them could not but discern an exceeding lack of savor in his developments。
“Friend Phineas will ever have ways of his own;” said Rachel Halliday; smiling; “but we all think that his heart is in the right place; after all。”
“Well;” said George; “isn’t it best that we hasten our flight?”
“I got up at four o’clock; and came on with all speed; full two or three hours ahead of them; if they start at the time they planned。 It isn’t safe to start till dark; at any rate; for there are some evil persons in the villages ahead; that might be disposed to meddle with us; if they saw our wagon; and that would delay us more than the waiting; but in two hours I think we may venture。 I will go over to Michael Cross; and engage him to come behind on his swift nag; and keep a bright lookout on the road; and warn us if any company of men come on。 Michael keeps a horse that can soon get ahead of most other horses; and he could shoot ahead and let us know; if there were any danger。 I am going out now to warn Jim and the old woman to be in readiness; and to see about the horse。 We have a pretty fair start; and stand a good chance to get to the stand before they can come up with us。 So; have good courage; friend George; this isn’t the first ugly scrape that I’ve been in with thy people;” said Phineas; as he closed the door。
“Phineas is pretty shrewd;” said Simeon。 “He will do the best that can be done for thee; George。”
“All I am sorry for;” said George; “is the risk to you。”
“Thee’ll much oblige us; friend George; to say no more about that。 What we do we are conscience bound to do; we can do no other way。 And now; mother;” said he; turning to Rachel; “hurry thy preparations for these friends; for we must not send them away fasting。”
And while Rachel and her children were busy making corn…cake; and cooking ham and chicken; and hurrying on the et ceteras of the evening meal; George and his wife sat in their little room; with their arms folded about each other; in such talk as husband and wife have when they know that a few hours may part them forever。
“Eliza;” said George; “people that have friends; and houses; and lands; and money; and all those things can’t love as we do; who have nothing but each other。 Till I knew you; Eliza; no creature had loved me; but my poor; heart…broken mother and sister。 I saw poor Emily that morning the trader carried her off。 She came to the corner where I was lying asleep; and said; ‘Poor George; your last friend is going。 What will become of you; poor boy?’ And I got up and threw my arms round her; and cried and sobbed; and she cried too; and those were the last kind words I got for ten long years; and my heart all withered up; and felt as dry as ashes; till I met you。 And your loving me;—why; it was almost like raising one from the dead! I’ve been a new man ever since! And now; Eliza; I’ll give my last drop of blood; but they shall not take you from me。 Whoever gets you must walk over my dead body。”
“O; Lord; have mercy!” said Eliza; sobbing。 “If he will only let us get out of this country together; that is all we ask。”
“Is God on their side?” said George; speaking less to his wife than pouring out his own bitter thoughts。 “Does he see all they do? Why does he let such things happen? And they tell us that the Bible is on their side; certainly all the power is。 They are rich; and healthy; and happy; they are members of churches; expecting to go to heaven; and they get along so easy in the world; and have it all their own way; and poor; honest; faithful Christians;—Christians as good or better than they;—are lying in the very dust under their feet。 They buy ’em and sell ’em; and make trade of their heart’s blood; and groans and tears;—and God lets them。”
“Friend George;” said Simeon; from the kitchen; “listen to this Psalm; it may do thee good。”
George drew his seat near the door; and Eliza; wiping her tears; came forward also to listen; while Simeon read as follows:
“But as for me; my feet were almost gone; my steps had well…nigh slipped。 For I was envious of the foolish; when I saw the prosperity of the wicked。 They are not in trouble like other men; neither are they plagued like other men。 Therefore; pride compasseth them as a chain; violence covereth them as a garment。 Their eyes stand out with fatness; they have more than heart could wish。 They are corrupt; and speak wickedly concerning oppression; they speak loftily。 Therefore his people return; and the waters of a full cup are wrung out to them; and they say; How doth God know? and is there knowledge in the Most High?”
“Is not that the way thee feels; George?”
“It is so indeed;” said George;—“as well as I could have written it myself。”
“Then; hear;” said Simeon: “When I thought to know this; it was too painful for me until I went unto the sanctuary of God。 Then understood I their end。 Surely thou didst set them in slippery places; thou castedst them down to destruction。 As a dream when one awaketh; so; oh Lord; when thou awakest; thou shalt despise their image。 Nevertheless I am continually with thee; thou hast holden me by my right hand。 Thou shalt guide me by thy counsel; and afterwards receive me to glory。 It is good for me to draw near unto God。 I have put my trust in the Lord God。”1
The words of holy trust; breathed by the friendly old man; stole like sacred music over the harassed and chafed spirit of George; and after he ceased; he sat with a gentle and subdued expression on his fine features。
“If this world were all; George;” said Simeon; “thee might; indeed; ask where is the Lord? But it is often those who have least of all in this life whom he chooseth for the kingdom。 Put thy trust in him and; no matter what befalls thee here; he will make all right hereafter。”
If these words had been spoken by some easy; self…indulgent exhorter; from whose mouth they might have come merely as pious and rhetorical flourish; proper to be used to people in distress; perhaps they might not have had much effect; but coming from one who daily and calmly risked fine and imprisonment for the cause of God and man; they had a weight that could not but be felt; and both the poor; desolate fugitives found calmness and strength breathing into them from it。
And now Rachel took Eliza’s hand kindly; and led the way to the supper…table。 As they were sitting down; a light tap sounded at the door; and Ruth entered。
“I just ran in;” she said; “with these little stockings for the boy;—three pair; nice; warm woollen ones。 It will be so cold; thee knows; in Canada。 Does thee keep up good courage; Eliza?” she added; tripping round to Eliza’s side of the table; and shaking her warmly by the hand; and slipping a seed…cake into Harry’s hand。 “I brought a little parcel of these for him;” she said; tugging at her pocket to get out the package。 “Children; thee knows; will always be eating。”
“O; thank you; you are too kind;” said Eliza。
“Come; Ruth; sit down to supper;” said Rachel。
“I couldn’t; any way。 I left John with the baby; and some biscuits in the oven; and I can’t stay a moment; else John will burn up all the biscuits; and give the baby all the sugar in the bowl。 That’s the way he does;” said the little Quakeress; laughing。 “So; good…by; Eliza; good…by; George; the Lord grant thee a safe journey;” and; with a few tripping steps; Ruth was out of the apartment。
A little while after supper; a large covered…wagon drew up before the door; the night was clear starlight; and Phineas jumped briskly down from his seat to arrange his passengers。 George walked out of the door; with his child on one arm and his wife on the other。 His step was firm; his face settled and resolute。 Rachel and Simeon came out after them。
“You get out; a moment;” said Phineas to those inside; “and let me fix the back of the wagon; there; for the women…folks and the boy。”
“Here are the two buffaloes;” said Rachel。 “Make the seats as comfortable as may be; it’s hard riding all night。”
Jim came out first; and carefully assisted out his old mother; who clung to his arm; and looked anxiously about; as if she expected the pursuer every moment。
“Jim; are your pistols all in order?” said George; in a low; firm voice。
“Yes; indeed;” said Jim。
“And you’ve no doubt what you shall do; if they come?”
“I rather think I haven’t;” said Jim; throwing open his broad chest; and taking a deep breath。 “Do you think I’ll let them get mother again?”
During this brief colloquy; Eliza had been taking her leave of her kind friend; Rachel; and was handed into the carriage by Simeon; and; creeping into the back part with her boy; sat down among the buffalo…skins。 The old woman was next handed in and seated and George and Jim placed on a rough board seat front of them; and Phineas mounted in front。
“Farewell; my friends;” said Simeon; from without。
“God bless you!” answered all from within。
And the wagon drove off; rattling and jolting over the frozen road。
There was no opportunity for conversation; on acomount of the roughness of the way and the noise of the wheels。 The vehicle; therefore; rumbled on; through long; dark stretches of woodland;—over wide dreary plains;—up hills; and down valleys;—and on; on; on they jogged; hour after hour。 The child soon fell asleep; and lay heavily in his mother’s lap。 The poor; frightened old woman at last forgot her fears; and; even Eliza; as the night waned; found all her anxieties insufficient to keep her eyes from closing。 Phineas seemed; on the whole; the briskest of the company; and beguiled his long drive with whistling certain very unquaker…like songs; as he went on。
But about three o’clock George’s ear caught the hasty and decided click of a horse’s hoof coming behind them at some distance and jogged Phineas by the elbow。 Phineas pulled up his horses; and listened。
“That must be Michael;” he said; “I think I know the sound of his gallop;” and he rose up and stretched his head anxiously back over the road。
A man riding in hot haste was now dimly descried at the top of a distant hill。
“There he is; I do believe!” said Phineas。 George and Jim both sprang out of the wagon before they knew what they were doing。 All stood intensely silent; with their faces turned towards the expected messenger。 On he came。 Now he went down into a valley; where they could not see him; but they heard the sharp; hasty tramp; rising nearer and nearer; at last they saw him emerge on the top of an eminence; within hail。
“Yes; that’s Michael!” said Phineas; and; raising his voice; “Halloa; there; Michael!”
“Phineas! is that thee?”
“Yes; what news—they coming?”
“Right on behind; eight or ten of them; hot with brandy; swearing and foaming like so many wolves。”
And; just as he spoke; a breeze brought the faint sound of galloping horsemen towards them。
“In with you;—quick; boys; in!” said Phineas。 “If you must fight; wait till I get you a piece ahead。” And; with the word; both jumped in; and Phineas lashed the horses to a run; the horseman keeping close beside them。 The wagon rattled; jumped; almost flew; over the frozen ground; but plainer; and still plainer; came the noise of pursuing horsemen behind。 The women heard it; and; looking anxiously out; saw; far in the rear; on the brow of a distant hill; a party of men looming up against the red…streaked sky of early dawn。 Another hill; and their pursuers had evidently caught sight of their wagon; whose white cloth…covered top made it conspicuous at some distance; and a loud yell of brutal triumph came forward on the wind。 Eliza sickened; and strained her child closer to her bosom; the old woman prayed and groaned; and George and Jim clenched their pistols with the grasp of despair。 The 
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