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“I don’t want to hear such sermons; I never wish to hear Mr。 B。 in our church again。 Ministers can’t help the evil; perhaps;—can’t cure it; any more than we can;—but defend it!—it always went against my common sense。 And I think you didn’t think much of that sermon; either。”
“Well;” said Shelby; “I must say these ministers sometimes carry matters further than we poor sinners would exactly dare to do。 We men of the world must wink pretty hard at various things; and get used to a deal that isn’t the exact thing。 But we don’t quite fancy; when women and ministers come out broad and square; and go beyond us in matters of either modesty or morals; that’s a fact。 But now; my dear; I trust you see the necessity of the thing; and you see that I have done the very best that circumstances would allow。”
“O yes; yes!” said Mrs。 Shelby; hurriedly and abstractedly fingering her gold watch;—“I haven’t any jewelry of any amount;” she added; thoughtfully; “but would not this watch do something?—it was an expensive one; when it was bought。 If I could only at least save Eliza’s child; I would sacrifice anything I have。”
“I’m sorry; very sorry; Emily;” said Mr。 Shelby; “I’m sorry this takes hold of you so; but it will do no good。 The fact is; Emily; the thing’s done; the bills of sale are already signed; and in Haley’s hands; and you must be thankful it is no worse。 That man has had it in his power to ruin us all;—and now he is fairly off。 If you knew the man as I do; you’d think that we had had a narrow escape。”
“Is he so hard; then?”
“Why; not a cruel man; exactly; but a man of leather;—a man alive to nothing but trade and profit;—cool; and unhesitating; and unrelenting; as death and the grave。 He’d sell his own mother at a good per centage—not wishing the old woman any harm; either。”
“And this wretch owns that good; faithful Tom; and Eliza’s child!”
“Well; my dear; the fact is that this goes rather hard with me; it’s a thing I hate to think of。 Haley wants to drive matters; and take possession tomorrow。 I’m going to get out my horse bright and early; and be off。 I can’t see Tom; that’s a fact; and you had better arrange a drive somewhere; and carry Eliza off。 Let the thing be done when she is out of sight。”
“No; no;” said Mrs。 Shelby; “I’ll be in no sense acomomplice or help in this cruel business。 I’ll go and see poor old Tom; God help him; in his distress! They shall see; at any rate; that their mistress can feel for and with them。 As to Eliza; I dare not think about it。 The Lord forgive us! What have we done; that this cruel necessity should come on us?”
There was one listener to this conversation whom Mr。 and Mrs。 Shelby little suspected。
Communicating with their apartment was a large closet; opening by a door into the outer passage。 When Mrs。 Shelby had dismissed Eliza for the night; her feverish and excited mind had suggested the idea of this closet; and she had hidden herself there; and; with her ear pressed close against the crack of the door; had lost not a word of the conversation。
When the voices died into silence; she rose and crept stealthily away。 Pale; shivering; with rigid features and compressed lips; she looked an entirely altered being from the soft and timid creature she had been hitherto。 She moved cautiously along the entry; paused one moment at her mistress’ door; and raised her hands in mute appeal to Heaven; and then turned and glided into her own room。 It was a quiet; neat apartment; on the same floor with her mistress。 There was a pleasant sunny window; where she had often sat singing at her sewing; there a little case of books; and various little fancy articles; ranged by them; the gifts of Christmas holidays; there was her simple wardrobe in the closet and in the drawers:—here was; in short; her home; and; on the whole; a happy one it had been to her。 But there; on the bed; lay her slumbering boy; his long curls falling negligently around his unconscious face; his rosy mouth half open; his little fat hands thrown out over the bedclothes; and a smile spread like a sunbeam over his whole face。
“Poor boy! poor fellow!” said Eliza; “they have sold you! but your mother will save you yet!”
No tear dropped over that pillow; in such straits as these; the heart has no tears to give;—it drops only blood; bleeding itself away in silence。 She took a piece of paper and a pencil; and wrote; hastily;
“O; Missis! dear Missis! don’t think me ungrateful;—don’t think hard of me; any way;—I heard all you and master said tonight。 I am going to try to save my boy—you will not blame me! God bless and reward you for all your kindness!”
Hastily folding and directing this; she went to a drawer and made up a little package of clothing for her boy; which she tied with a handkerchief firmly round her waist; and; so fond is a mother’s remembrance; that; even in the terrors of that hour; she did not forget to put in the little package one or two of his favorite toys; reserving a gayly painted parrot to amuse him; when she should be called on to awaken him。 It was some trouble to arouse the little sleeper; but; after some effort; he sat up; and was playing with his bird; while his mother was putting on her bonnet and shawl。
“Where are you going; mother?” said he; as she drew near the bed; with his little coat and cap。
His mother drew near; and looked so earnestly into his eyes; that he at once divined that something unusual was the matter。
“Hush; Harry;” she said; “mustn’t speak loud; or they will hear us。 A wicked man was coming to take little Harry away from his mother; and carry him ’way off in the dark; but mother won’t let him—she’s going to put on her little boy’s cap and coat; and run off with him; so the ugly man can’t catch him。”
Saying these words; she had tied and buttoned on the child’s simple outfit; and; taking him in her arms; she whispered to him to be very still; and; opening a door in her room which led into the outer verandah; she glided noiselessly out。
It was a sparkling; frosty; starlight night; and the mother wrapped the shawl close round her child; as; perfectly quiet with vague terror; he clung round her neck。
Old Bruno; a great Newfoundland; who slept at the end of the porch; rose; with a low growl; as she came near。 She gently spoke his name; and the animal; an old pet and playmate of hers; instantly; wagging his tail; prepared to follow her; though apparently revolving much; in this simple dog’s head; what such an indiscreet midnight promenade might mean。 Some dim ideas of imprudence or impropriety in the measure seemed to embarrass him considerably; for he often stopped; as Eliza glided forward; and looked wistfully; first at her and then at the house; and then; as if reassured by reflection; he pattered along after her again。 A few minutes brought them to the window of Uncle Tom’s cottage; and Eliza stopping; tapped lightly on the window…pane。
The prayer…meeting at Uncle Tom’s had; in the order of hymn…singing; been protracted to a very late hour; and; as Uncle Tom had indulged himself in a few lengthy solos afterwards; the consequence was; that; although it was now between twelve and one o’clock; he and his worthy helpmeet were not yet asleep。
“Good Lord! what’s that?” said Aunt Chloe; starting up and hastily drawing the curtain。 “My sakes alive; if it an’t Lizy! Get on your clothes; old man; quick!—there’s old Bruno; too; a pawin round; what on airth! I’m gwine to open the door。”
And suiting the action to the word; the door flew open; and the light of the tallow candle; which Tom had hastily lighted; fell on the haggard face and dark; wild eyes of the fugitive。
“Lord bless you!—I’m skeered to look at ye; Lizy! Are ye tuck sick; or what’s come over ye?”
“I’m running away—Uncle Tom and Aunt Chloe—carrying off my child—Master sold him!”
“Sold him?” echoed both; lifting up their hands in dismay。
“Yes; sold him!” said Eliza; firmly; “I crept into the closet by Mistress’ door tonight; and I heard Master tell Missis that he had sold my Harry; and you; Uncle Tom; both; to a trader; and that he was going off this morning on his horse; and that the man was to take possession today。”
Tom had stood; during this speech; with his hands raised; and his eyes dilated; like a man in a dream。 Slowly and gradually; as its meaning came over him; he collapsed; rather than seated himself; on his old chair; and sunk his head down upon his knees。
“The good Lord have pity on us!” said Aunt Chloe。 “O! it don’t seem as if it was true! What has he done; that Mas’r should sell him?”
“He hasn’t done anything;—it isn’t for that。 Master don’t want to sell; and Missis she’s always good。 I heard her plead and beg for us; but he told her ’t was no use; that he was in this man’s debt; and that this man had got the power over him; and that if he didn’t pay him off clear; it would end in his having to sell the place and all the people; and move off。 Yes; I heard him say there was no choice between selling these two and selling all; the man was driving him so hard。 Master said he was sorry; but oh; Missis—you ought to have heard her talk! If she an’t a Christian and an angel; there never was one。 I’m a wicked girl to leave her so; but; then; I can’t help it。 She said; herself; one soul was worth more than the world; and this boy has a soul; and if I let him be carried off; who knows what’ll become of it? It must be right: but; if it an’t right; the Lord forgive me; for I can’t help doing it!”
“Well; old man!” said Aunt Chloe; “why don’t you go; too? Will you wait to be toted down river; where they kill niggers with hard work and starving? I’d a heap rather die than go there; any day! There’s time for ye;—be off with Lizy;—you’ve got a pass to come and go any time。 Come; bustle up; and I’ll get your things together。”
Tom slowly raised his head; and looked sorrowfully but quietly around; and said;
“No; no—I an’t going。 Let Eliza go—it’s her right! I wouldn’t be the one to say no—’tan’t in natur for her to stay; but you heard what she said! If I must be sold; or all the people on the place; and everything go to rack; why; let me be sold。 I s’pose I can b’ar it as well as any on ’em;” he added; while something like a sob and a sigh shook his broad; rough chest convulsively。 “Mas’r always found me on the spot—he always will。 I never have broke trust; nor used my pass no ways contrary to my word; and I never will。 It’s better for me alone to go; than to break up the place and sell all。 Mas’r an’t to blame; Chloe; and he’ll take care of you and the poor—”
Here he turned to the rough trundle bed full of little woolly heads; and broke fairly down。 He leaned over the back of the chair; and covered his face with his large hands。 Sobs; heavy; hoarse and loud; shook the chair; and great tears fell through his fingers on the floor; just such tears; sir; as you dropped into the coffin where lay your first…born son; such tears; woman; as you shed when you heard the cries of your dying babe。 For; sir; he was a man;—and you are but another man。 And; woman; though dressed in silk and jewels; you are but a woman; and; in life’s great straits and mighty griefs; ye feel but one sorrow!
“And now;” said Eliza; as she stood in the door; “I saw my husband only this afternoon; and I little knew then what was to come。 They have pushed him to the very last standing place; and he told me; today; that he was going to run away。 Do try; if you can; to get word to him。 Tell him how I went; and why I went; and tell him I’m going to try and find Canada。 You must give my love to him; and tell him; if I never see him again;” she turned away; and stood with her back to them for a moment; and then added; in a husky voice; “tell him to be as good as he can; and try and meet me in the kingdom of heaven。”
“Call Bruno in there;” she added。 “Shut the door on him; poor beast! He mustn’t go with me!”
A few last words and tears; a few simple adieus and blessings; and clasping her wondering and affrighted child in her arms; she glided noiselessly away。
Chapter 6
Mr。 and Mrs。 Shelby; after their protracted discussion of the night before; did not readily sink to repose; and; in consequence; slept somewhat later than usual; the ensuing morning。
“I wonder what keeps Eliza;” said Mrs。 Shelby; after giving her bell repeated pulls; to no purpose。
Mr。 Shelby was standing before his dressing…glass; sharpening his razor; and just then the door opened; and a colored boy entered; with his shaving…water。
“Andy;” said his mistress; “step to Eliza’s door; and tell her I have rung for her three times。 Poor thing!” she added; to herself; with a sigh。
Andy soon returned; with eyes very wide in astonishment。
“Lor; Missis! Lizy’s drawers is all open; and her things all lying every which way; and I believe she’s just done clared out!”
The truth flashed upon Mr。 Shelby and his wife at the same moment。 He exclaimed;
“Then she suspected it; and she’s off!”
“The Lord be thanked!” said Mrs。 Shelby。 “I trust she is。”
“Wife; you talk like a fool! Really; it will be something pretty awkward for me; if she is。 Haley saw that I hesitated about selling this child; and he’ll think I connived at it;
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