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  We all love people who represent an image: who take to life as if it were a stage。 Acting out impressions we can easily interpret; taking their bow from the rest of us。
  Some of them bee cult figures: James Dean; Kennedy; Elvis; Grace; Diana – the list is long。 But there are also modest examples of people pursuing symbolic lives in relative obscurity。
  I’m sure you can think of a few examples of people who have successfully invented themselves: the perfect housewife ensconced in her colour…matched home; the businessman in a tailored suit taking his seat in the board…room。 The bearded bohemian; the stern intellectual; the sweet…smiling bimbo; and so on。 All helping us decipher the mystery of human nature by labelling themselves unequivocally。
  In my younger days I worshipped such people; mistaking for self…realisation masks cultivated by their owners to the point where they lost touch with their own reality。
  Perhaps that was the reason why they all died young?
  I didn’t see the connection。 Mourning my lost idols; I did my best to follow in their footsteps。 Until the day when a wise person told me:
  “Dear girl; don’t be tempted to live by an image。 It’s a much too dangerous game。 To survive in this world you need substance。 And an image is no more substantial than a dream。”
  When did you last hear someone sighing: “Those were the days。” Was it a middle…aged woman in clothes too young for her; humming her favourite golden oldie; or a weathered man who still wears his hair long and speaks in the idiom of twenty years ago? Or – was it your own voice you heard?
  You may well be one of many who are caught in a time warp maintaining an old…fashioned style; as if; at some stage; your inner watch had stopped; and everything since passed you by。
  We all have traces of it; this urge to halt the passage of time; whether it is a wish for eternal youth; a nostalgic hankering for things gone by; or a vain attempt to defer the final curtain。
  But then there are those who cling to an outgrown persona; because it is the only one they trust。 They seem to be afraid to mature and develop; accept that each given moment offers and adds something new。
  What deep insecurity lies behind such fear? Was there in their past but one occasion; when they came vibrantly alive? When they felt; finally; that they were loved and valued: someone with a right to be?
  Whatever the reason; there is no escaping the fact that life is all about change and growth。 You are now a somewhat different person from when you started reading this text。
  ‘No one can bathe in the same river twice。  Because everything flows。’
  At six years of age; stunned by grief; I left my first home; not expecting to return。
  In those days it was considered healthy to turn your back on pain。 Never look back; but build a bright new future with whatever was at hand。
  I grew up with a void in my heart: an ever…present sadness that I did not understand。 I thought it had always been there。 Part of my constitution。 Until I went back。
  The land between the lakes looked the same: on one side; Little Lee; frosty surface glittering in sunlight within a frame of golden reeds; streaked by long blue shadows from snow…laden trees。 This was our playground in winter and summer。 A haven of childhood serenity。
  To the north; guarded by dark forests; shrouded by purple cloud rising as the ice settled; the vast deep waters of Large Lee stretched into the unknown。 Menacing; but at the same time powerful; majestic。 The steep shores –  forbidden ground – were dangerously attractive。
  Spanning these two was the space where my character formed; my picture of the world developed。 It was my cradle – the cradle we never outgrow; although we often deny it。
  Tears filled my eyes; as the wound inside me slowly began to heal。 For the first time in forty years I knew the feeling of being whole。

Others 别人(1)
  在那之后的一天,我的这个朋友开了一个独唱会。她是个很有才华的音乐家。她的母亲,像往常一样,也参加了。演出后,她把女儿的表演贬得一无是处,还说了些她从洗手间里听来的观众的评价——刺耳的、羞辱的谣传。书 包 网 txt小说上传分享

Others 别人(2)
  With marital breakdown and single parenthood increasing; step…families are being more and more mon。 Such relationships are never easy。 Indeed; the worst mistake people make is to pretend they are。
  Having witnessed first…hand the powerful emotions ruling the responses of those involved in family arrangements not of their choosing; I can’t help noting; with interest that women who have a family and re…marry tend to be apologetic to their new partner for saddling him with another man’s issue; whereas a man with a family is much more likely to be apologetic towards his progeny for replacing their mother in his affections。
  In the first instance; children are made to feel that they are an undesired; undesirable appendage; in the other; the children appoint themselves critical; resentful judges of their father’s choice。 Neither is conducive to harmonious co…existence; or a healthy psychological climate。
  We all need the family as a fortable and secure base camp: a place to prepare for life’s battles and recover in between campaigns。
  All members of a troop have an equal right to its facilities。 So let’s forget about apologizing。 Support each other; irrespective of blood ties; the way no one else will。
  A man I know is a troubled soul。 Mid…life; he had a breakdown。 In therapy he was told to make a list of things he felt he couldn’t cope with; and overleaf; write down what he most enjoyed。
  “Well done;” said the therapist; as he handed in his list。 “That’s the bulk of your work done。 All that remains is for you to decide what you want to do about all these。”
  He started by saying good…bye to the things he didn’t favour: wife; children; elderly father; drooling dog。 The family home he sold at a handsome profit; which allowed him to pay off both wife and hefty mortgage。
  His job was next in line: early retirement on the grounds of ill health。 Then he went to live in a small apartment in Torremolinos; where he could indulge; all year round; in the two items on his list of preference: golf and windsurfing。
  If he wasn’t entirely happy; he was at least; at last; in therapeutic parlance; true to himself。
  Two years later he was back in London receiving treatment for depression。

Others 别人(3)
“This therapist is no good at all;” he plained to me。 “She says my problem is; I’m too selfish。 If I did something to benefit other people; my health would improve dramatically。 That’s a plete contradiction of what I was taught before!”
  “How can I do both?” he exclaimed despairingly。 “Benefit others whilst remaining true to myself? It’s impossible!”
  As I said; he is a troubled soul。
  I can recall being eaten with envy。 It made me feel quite ill。 The object was a girl in my school: blonde; dynamic; with glittering green eyes。 Beyond being beautiful; she was wonderfully self…possessed。 What else could a teenager wish for?
  Her smugness irritated me no end。 She was so radiant; so full of fun; so damned pleased with life。 Everyone adored her; except me and a few others equally afflicted。
  I nearly fainted the day she came to me requesting; would I be her friend? Seemingly sincere; she claimed to be in awe of my prowess in the classroom; where she herself had to struggle。
  Resentment gave way to devotion。 I became her faithful servant sunning myself in her glory; she my loyal supporter boosting my fragile self。 It was a friendship made in heaven; forged for life。
  Sadly; like many flares burning brightly; hers was not made to last。 Shortly after her nineteenth birthday; without warning; she died。
  It struck me then as absurd that; of the two of us; she should be the one who perished; while I was the one who was spared。 I had always regarded her as the one who was privileged; myself as the one deprived。
  I thought of my former envy and realised that; since we don’t know what’s in store for any of us; envy is never justified。
  A friend of mine had been tyrannised by a formidable mother since the day she was born。 She lived under an emotional terror…reign; where guilt was the main offensive weapon。 It seemed she couldn’t blink an eye without causing her mother to be hurt; upset; annoyed; distressed or worse。
  “I can’t take any more;” she told me in despair。 “My whole life is spent apologising to my mother。”
  “It has to stop;” I agreed。 “You are an adult independent woman。 It’s time you told her once and for all t
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