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当前位置: 首页 >> 其他 >> 网络广告效果评估与分析研究


小说类别:其他 上传者:垃圾王 作者:未知
小说大小:19K 更新时间:2020-03-16 完结状态:全本
小说热度:38 推荐量:0 收藏量:0


摘要:网络广告在过去的几年中发展事态良好,取得了骄人成绩。而如今,落后的网络广告效果评估在某种程度上已经成为网络广告进一步发展的严重障碍,所以本文试图对网络广告效果评估进行探讨。本文在明确网络广告效果评估的特点和意义后,提出了网络广告效果评估的原则;然后从传播效果、经济效果和社会效果三个方面详细介绍了网络广告效果评估的内容指标;接着对评估方法进行了探讨;最后简单提了一下网络广告效果评估所需数据的获得方式。关键词:网络广告 网络广告效果 网络广告评估Abstract:In the passed years,web advertising has grown well and made delightful performance. While nowadays, the undeveloped measurement for web advertising effectiveness is being a barrier to some extent that blocks the development of web advertising. Therefore, the article tries to explore the problem of measurement for web advertising effectiveness. After describing the characters and significances of measurement for web advertising effectiveness, the article proposes the principles, which the activity of measurement should abide by. Then it introduces the effectiveness measurement indexes from the three aspects of transmit effectiveness, economic effectiveness and social effectiveness. It is followed by the exploration of measurement methods. In the last, it
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